In our penultimate edition of Kurt Russell season Scott and Craig, along with special guest "A Ghost Waits" director Adam Stovall, dissect 1997's "Breakdown." Which might be most beginning to end the most fat-free movie we have covered on the podcast so far.

Over the course of the episode you will hear the three of them talk about just how perfect Kurt was for this role, just how terrifying J.T. Walsh is in this film (in one of his last film appearances) and are generally baffled at the lack of things to make fun. The latter being something that is very rare around these parts!

Don't worry there is still all the usual fun and nonsense as Craig, Scott and Adam get into the weird acting amibitions of Billy (Jack Noseworthy), how law enforcement is always the worst in these films and how Rex Linn is one of the most typecast actors in 90s action. Plus, Scott and Craig find out that while the podcast might be important but definitely not as important as dogsitting as Adam has dash off before the finale. 

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You can check out "A Ghost Waits" here

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"All '90s Action, All The Time" is produced by Scott Murphy, Kyle Hintz  and Craig Draheim. Music by Elyssa Vulpes. Editing by Scott Murphy.