Well you nearly didn't get this episode as part of the original recording was lost. Which is a real shame as it is probably one of our best (but then you only have our word for that). Thankfully with a bit of last minute scrambling together we managed to re-record it with our favourite YouTuber Caleb Knutson. Unfortunately 1/2 of the regular host team Craig could not make it this time around. 

Anyway onto to the re-recorded episode where Scott and Caleb talk about wrestling, fast food franchises, 80s cartoons. And, oh yeah, also get round to talking about Batman Forever in all its campy glory. Throughout the episode we delve into its wacky tonal shifts, dodgy CGI and glorious neon production design. As well as which we tackle the vital questions such as where does Val's Batman rank? Is Jim Carrey a good Riddler? (the answer is hell yes!) and what is with that anatomically correct suit?

Plus we talk extensively about the Schumacher Cut and whether it will ever see the light of day? 

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Follow Scott on Twitter: @ScottMurphy85

"All '90s Action, All The Time" is produced by Scott Murphy, Kyle Hintz  and Craig Draheim. Music by Elyssa Vulpes. Editing by Scott Murphy.

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