What's the difference between a good and not so great website? A good website really speaks to that person's brand. It tells me what they do and I'm able to figure out if I want to work with that person. A not so great website makes it consuming to even know what they are selling or who they help. 

In the online business world, websites are everything. They are your digital real estate. So it is vital that we invest some time and energy into making our home an efficient and memorable experience for our customers and potential clients. The question that I posed to our guest expert today is not just what makes a website good or not so good, but what takes a good website and makes it speak directly to your ideal client. 

The Cofounder and Chief Creator Officer of Chykalophia is here to share her thoughts on ways to double your website conversions. Through simple branding and UX strategies, Ari Krzyzek serves as a Branding UX consultant and professional peer in support of fellow female entrepreneurs through the number one ranked private business incubator in the world. 

In today’s episode we cover how to build your website around the customer/client experience and what steps you need to take now to take your website from ok - to unforgettable! 

Connect with Ari:
http://chykalophia.com @chykalophia

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