Recent surveys indicate that while cloud computing is a top priority for Canadian CIOs, assurance in cloud services remains the principle inhibitor for adoption. 2012 is proving to be the year of accelerating adoption as organizations gain a deeper appreciation of cloud services and how they can be adopted in a trusted manner. Host Jonathan Rozenblit, and guest, John Weigelt, National Technology Officer for Microsoft Canada, as they explore the security and privacy considerations of Cloud Computing.


Read detailed information on Windows Azure's security, privacy, and compliance practices Read detailed information on Office 365's security, privacy, and compliance practices For more on this and similar topics, read John Weigelt's blog

John Weigelt

As the National Technology Officer for Microsoft Canada, John Weigelt is responsible for driving Microsoft Canada's strategic policy and technology efforts. In this role, Mr. Weigelt helps business and governments innovate with technology while avoiding the unintended consequences that might arise.  He leads Canadian outreach for Economic Development, Environmental Sustainability, Accessibility, Privacy, Security, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Government 3.0, Interoperability and other policy related activities.


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The AlignIT Manager Talk is a monthly live streamed video series hosted by Ruth Morton (LinkedIn) and Jonathan Rozenblit (LinkedIn). Each Tech Talk episode airs on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 12:00pm to 12:30pm EST. The show focuses on a range of topics for both infrastructure and development managers and is interactive, taking questions via a live chat and providing answers on air

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