The Oracle of Apollo at Delphi, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce. Soothsayers and fortune tellers of world renown. All made uncanny predictions that have seemed to come true with startling accuracy. In modern times it is difficult for most people to name a source that has given us accurate predictions of the future as those we have gotten in the past. But, is it possible that we could Place Homer Simpson in the ranks of great prognosticators? Currently the longest running scripted show ever to air, The Simpsons have a permanent seat in global pop culture. During its time on the air the show has given the world countless jokes and a number of wild and entertaining plot lines. Recently though, some viewers have begun to remark on the curiously high number of accurate predictions the show has included in their writing. The Apple Watch, Trump for President, The Higgs Boson particle, and many more events of recent times all seem to have been shown to have been included in jokes or plots of the long running comedy show long before they actually came to pass. This case file join the Theorists as they go into D’oh overload with...The Simpsons Predictions Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: