Previous Episode: Case File 84-MKUltra
Next Episode: Case File 86-Cindy James

Gobekli Tepe It’s not every day you get to rewrite the story of human history. When German Archaeologist Klaus Schmidt took a closer look at what had seemed to be nothing more than a Medieval burial ground in 1994 he quickly realized it was something quite a bit more significant. For almost a decade Schmidt would work to bring to light the mysteries of this staggeringly important archaeological site.  Efforts by German and international teams have uncovered enormous upright T-shaped stones and intricate carvings which have been dated to a time before human agriculture or even human written language. To this day only an estimated 5% of the complex has been excavated and much more of it lays underground where it seems that the builders may have intentionally buried it for unknown reasons. What was the significance of these stones that would have taken 500 people to move? Was it a place of worship? A primitive observatory? Or perhaps, the site of the world’s first death cult? This case file the Theorists take a Neolithic Nosedive into the game changing monuments of...Gobekli Tepe     Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: