Who was Beatrice Hatch, and why did she write an obituary of Lewis Carroll for The Strand Magazine in 1898? Well, he was deceased, first of all. Learn all about Ms. Hatch’s relationship with Mr. Carroll, and hear a fact-based account of this complicated Oxford don’s life. We’ll also hear some not-so-kind quotes from […]

The post Beatrice Hatch And Lewis Carroll Part 1 appeared first on Alice Is Everywhere.


Who was Beatrice Hatch, and why did she write an obituary of Lewis Carroll for The Strand Magazine in 1898? Well, he was deceased, first of all. Learn all about Ms. Hatch’s relationship with Mr. Carroll, and hear a fact-based account of this complicated Oxford don’s life. We’ll also hear some not-so-kind quotes from former students of Lewis Carroll AKA Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, and attempt to guess the answer to a poetical charade written by the man himself. There may be five pounds in it for you!

The post Beatrice Hatch And Lewis Carroll Part 1 appeared first on Alice Is Everywhere.