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David Williams first 2019 podcast: Discussing experiences with Jack Herer in support of his efforts to free the cannabis hemp plant from government regulatory interference and implement a global hemp economy to help resolve environmental and social problems globally, Jack’s vision of how hemp can save the world as is intended to be embodied in the language being developed for the California Cannabis Hemp and Health Initiative 2020 ballot access petition campaign, #CCHHI2020.

Herer recruited Williams to camp on the sidewalk lawn of the West Los Angeles Federal Building for the month of February 1996 to oversee and caretake 24/7 about 50 feet of ten foot wide canopies with tables collecting signatures to kick off his 1996 “Full Legalization” ballot initiative with the tabling and frequent gatherings there, including Dennis Person’s meetings with Jack bringing him fully on board with Prop215 as “more likely to succeed” that year.

In December 2007 Jack recruited David to help with his 2008 Campaign  In early 2008 we had a panel in Santa Barbara with Jack and Dr. David Bearman, Mikey Jolson, et al

Dennis Kucinich was running for President, so after that Williams arranged for his wife Elizabeth Kucinich to meet Jack Herer in Sacramento and give her his book. Not long afterward, Elizabeth arranged for her friend Clayton Holton to come to California and meet Jack and Eddie Lepp to stay with them and use medical cannabis for his muscular dystrophy, which he could not use in his care home in Vermont. After a week visit and medication in Northern California, Eddie brought Clayton to a scheduled campaign lecture by Dennis Kucinich where he was to introduce Clayton and the medical marijuana issue into the national presidential campaign, but as they drove from Clear Lake to San Francisco area, Dennis announced that he was quitting the race for President so that event was cancelled.