“The irony of all of this is, I look better now … at 38-years-old than I did when I was 22-years-old, acting like a jerk in the gym. What a crazy lesson to learn: If I chase health and longevity and balance, I’ll actually get a great deal of the aesthetics that I always wanted.”

Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer and Justin Andrews have 40-plus years of combined experience in the fitness industry as personal trainers, club managers, IFBB competitors and fitness thought leaders. Together, they host the Mind Pump platform, a media site and podcast that sheds light on the truth about health, fitness and a host of other topics. Sal, Adam and Justin are passionate about cutting through the BS to help people reach their health and fitness goals.

Today the Mind Pump team discusses how far they have come in terms of health and fitness, explaining their common journey from insecurity to balance and wellness. Adam speaks to the pros and cons of becoming a physique Pro, sharing the factors you should consider before pursuing competitive bodybuilding. Sal, Adam and Justin cover the benefits of strength training for endurance athletes, including the prevention of muscle imbalance and overuse injury. Listen in for the Mind Pump take on the future of the fitness industry and their best advice around setting boundaries when it comes to technology and social media.

Topics Covered

[7:49] How the Mind Pump hosts have evolved in terms of fitness and health

Driven to start working out based on insecurities Pursued fitness for aesthetic, performance Now feel secure in own skin, train to take care of self Chase health, longevity Connected success with money in personal training Now driven to learn more about whole picture Look at immeasurables (i.e.: stress, sleep, recovery and mobility) Fitness industry built around marketing, sales Want to serve as voice of reason through Mind Pump platform

 [15:58] The pros and cons of becoming a physique Pro

Can compete in healthy way with knowledge, discipline Too many don’t have understanding of diet, training Exacerbates poor relationship with food, exercise Provided Adam with notoriety, platform

[20:21] Factors to consider before you pursue competitive bodybuilding

Shouldn’t consider competing until track food for 9-12 weeks Don’t use show as motivation to get in shape Will make health sacrifices to compete Watch out for unqualified coaches Must develop healthy, solid foundation first (homeostasis)

[26:33] Strength training for endurance athletes

Obvious benefit as foundation of all physical pursuits Resistance training prevents muscle imbalances, overuse injuries Use to develop optimal form, movement patterns Mind Pump MAPS Prime program assesses movements One to two days/week offers huge return (e.g.: speed, recovery, longevity)

[35:31] The Mind Pump MAPS Performance program

Use in conjunction with Prime if want to build muscle Requires three days/week in gym

[37:14] Sal, Adam and Justin’s take on HITS training

Don’t recommend if goal is building muscle Focus on intensity is taxing on joints, CNS Creates imbalances due to pushing Body doesn’t respond long-term Should manipulate intensity, volume and frequency Better to train two to four times/week at lower volume

[42:00] The future of the health and fitness industry

Fully adopted technology vs. dependent on tools (behavioral addiction) Growth of community-based fitness classes Melding of fitness with wellness and health Developing focus on nutrition Attention to where food comes from

[50:03] Sal, Adam and Justin’s advice around setting parameters for tech, media

Mute phone when with family, friends Shut off all electronics an hour before bed Consider scheduling a day without tech Learn More About Mind Pump

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