If you’re struggling with autoimmune or digestive issues, and your general practitioner hasn’t been able to help, it may be time to explore a naturopathic approach. But how do you choose the right holistic practitioner? How does the process of working with an ND differ from that of a conventional doctor? And how do you pay for it when the service isn’t covered by health insurance?

Dr. Tim Gerstmar is the Clinic Director at Aspire Natural Health, a naturopathic practice out of the Greater Seattle area. Dr. G. specializes in helping people with digestive and autoimmune issues regain their freedom without drugs or surgery. A respected holistic practitioner with ten years of experience, Dr. G. is a sought-after international speaker with an understanding of both conventional and natural treatments. He earned his ND from Bastyr University, the most prestigious naturopathic medical school in the world, and Dr. G. is the author of the bestselling book The Clear Path to Health: Gain Clarity So You Can Feel Your Best Today, Tomorrow, and Into the Next Decade.

Today, Dr. G. joins us to discuss why fit people are more susceptible to autoimmune and digestive issues. He makes the distinction between conventional and holistic medicine, explaining how to choose a practitioner and how long to stick with a particular treatment plan. Dr. G. also walks us through the process of working with his team and weighs in on the value of getting support from a health coach. Listen in for insight around focusing on principles (not just tactics) in your health journey and learn why it’s important to invest in your health NOW to enjoy a higher quality of life down the road!

Topics Covered

[1:43] Why fit people are susceptible to autoimmune and digestive issues

Endurance sport diverts blood from digestive system to muscles Too much physical exercise can lead to autoimmune disorders

[6:52] When to pursue a conventional vs. holistic approach

Use conventional medicine for acute issues (e.g.: injury, infection) MDs can only manage symptoms of chronic illness (i.e.: diabetes)

[12:03] How long to stick with a particular treatment plan

Follow for at least 3 months to give approach time to work Stop right away if feel worse or moving in wrong direction

[18:42] Dr. G.’s advice for finding the right practitioner

Use free eBook with 11 questions to ask self + provider Find person with experience with your condition

[22:24] The value of working with a health coach

Help implement change recommended by provider Get better faster, realize sustainable change

[25:25] Why it’s important to prioritize and invest in your health

Preventative medicine now leads to higher quality of life later May need to see practitioners outside insurance network

[32:59] The process of working with Dr. G. and his team

Extensive, 15-page intake form and hour long first visit 90-minute intake with health coach + testing/records Customize plan to address issues (no one right approach)

[41:25] The cost of working with Dr. G. and his team

Budget few hundred dollars for testing (plan more fine-tuned) Pay more for support in short term, save suffering down road

[46:59] Dr. G.’s focus on principles over tactics to get well

Gives perspective, overall understanding of systems Leads to strategies and then specific tactics Learn More About Dr. Tim Gerstmar

Aspire Natural Health


The Clear Path to Health: Gain Clarity So You Can Feel Your Best Today, Tomorrow, and Into the Next Decade by Dr. Tim Gerstmar

Free eBook Download of The Clear Path to Health

Dr. G.’s Guide to Picking the Right Integrative Doctor