
00:45 AlgoliaのRuby API Clientのバージョン2がリリースされました(algoliasearch-client-ruby)
02:10 Federated SearchのLive Coding SessionSolutions Gallery
06:50 多くのお問い合わせをいただいているAlgoliaの新機能の AI Re-RankingAI Synonyms Suggestions
07:30 Algoliaの女性リーダーたちからWemen in Techへのアドバイス Advice to women in tech from Algolia’s female leaders - Part II


Upgrade guides for the Ruby API client
Livecoding session: How to build a federated search experience for your marketplace in 20 minutes
Algolia Solutions Guides
Algolia AI
Advice to women in tech from Algolia’s female leaders - Part I
Advice to women in tech from Algolia’s female leaders: Part II