Video Recommendation 👉  

There are so many sweeteners to pick from nowadays and so many crazy new words popping up almost every single month. 

Now, our goal is to determine which one will break your fast and which one is not based on new studies and research.  

Hi, My name’s Alex Yehorov and in today's video, we are going to be talking about What SWEETENERS Are SAFE On Keto & Intermittent Fasting so you can make the right choice.  

So, what sweeteners are Good to go for fasting and keto?  

Monk Fruit and Stevia are the safest you can say but I personally don’t like them because of the aftertaste.  

- Monk Fruit 

- Stevia 

- Erythritol 

- Xylitol   

Even though sugar alcohols are technically carbohydrates, most of them do not raise blood sugar levels and thereby don't count as net carbs, making them popular sweeteners in low-carb products. 

But I won’t recommend using xylitol during your fast.  

Though the word “alcohol” is part of its name, it’s not the same alcohol that makes you drunk. 

Sugar alcohols are safe for people with alcohol addictions.  

Make sure you don’t eat a lot of those alcohol sweeteners because a lot of people including myself could have gas, diarrhea and feel uncomfortable after consuming too much erythritol sorbitol or xylitol, etc.  

There’s a study that talks about the neurobiology of sugar craving and it states that artificial sweeteners could increase those cravings significantly. 

Making it harder for you to fast. I’ll put a link in the description down below so you can check this study out.  

So, Let’s sum things up.  

Natural and sugar alcohol sweeteners might not raise insulin. 

No study clearly shows that it does, but there are still some doubts and not all sweeteners are created, processed and even combined in the same way.   

Natural and sugar alcohol sweeteners can raise hunger and cravings making it harder to maintain a fast. 

Moreover, in the long term, even though there’s no actual sugar in them, it could promote sweet tooth.   

My Top 4 favorite sweeteners would be Monk Fruit, Stevia, Erythritol and Xylitol in small amounts.   

The sweetness could encourage hunger and cravings and I recommend using them in moderation for your overall health.






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