
Intermittent Fasting: Top 3 Mistakes That Keep You FAT Weight Loss In 2020

Fasting is simple -  it means not eating right,   but the thing is there are so many little variables that come into play that might trigger a metabolic response or might trigger an insulin response to the point then it can really kick us out of the fasting. 

In order to understand how we can get the biggest benefits out of our fasting, we need to take a look at what exactly the common mistakes that people make when they are fasting.   

The number one common mistake is adding creamers in your coffee and tea. 

It seems pretty logical that if you were going to be adding something that has calories like a creamer, milk, or almond milk to your coffee or especially sugar - that kind of makes it a food,  but most people don't really want to look at it like that and I think they just turn that off in their brain, they think coffee is coffee if I add some creamer to it I'm not breaking a fast.  It's a liquid.

Nooooo that's not the case if you put creamer and I mean even a half a tablespoon of low-calorie almond milk that has about 12 calories -  you are breaking your fast.  

Fasting is not eating and If you get calories that means you are eating, even If it comes as a liquid.  Anytime you are getting those calories you are stopping the process of burning stored energy and converting over to the process of using food energy.  

We don't want that.  

Mistake # 2  is consuming branch chain amino acids.  

There was a 2011 study that took a large group of young men and they looked at a few things.  

And this study clearly showed that branch chain amino acids do break a fast.  

Since we're talking about fasting it's black and white and if you have insulin spiking you're breaking your fast. 


Mistake #3  Is not getting enough minerals  Minerals such as salt, magnesium, potassium.  

These are so critical when you're fasting.  

You see, minerals don't really affect your metabolism in terms of caloric in caloric out.  

We have to make sure that we're still getting our minerals in especially if you're consuming extra water during a fasting period.  And I do recommend drinking a lot of water during fasting because It will help your body to detox, but this is such a big topic to dive into it right now. 

So, let’s get back to our minerals.  

Minerals are so critical for cellular function and for the electrical signals that our brain is sending throughout our bodies. 

if we don't have them we can't function well.  but there's an added benefit to making sure you get enough sodium and I highly recommend you add just like a quarter teaspoon or maybe a half a teaspoon to your water. 

What this is gonna do is going to help nutrients and toxins flow in and out.  

This will make sure that the cell can breathe  

can eat can waste   

and can detoxify

