Hey. Today I had a long conversation with my friend Jeff. We spoke about what it's like coming from a family who from 'elsewhere' and the personal, social and economic implications this has. We spoke about our difficulty aligning ourselves with the 'Australian' national identity. We then moved onto some kinda philosophical/existential stuff - are we living in a simulation... can consciousness be uploaded to the cloud... classic softboi stuff. Finally, we discussed the economics of COVID-19 and whether or not it's going to bankrupt in every way conceivable. Enjoying Aleks Listens? You can support it on Patreon, https://www.patreon.com/join/alekslistens — for more of my work, visit https://www.aleks.co — or follow me on instagram @alekslistens https://www.instagram.com/alekslistens — or subscribe on YouTube ~~~~ sending love your way, Aleks