For the month of May, we’re kicking off Video Game Movie Month, where every week we take on a new film adaptation of a video game!

This week, Matt K from CinemaJaw joins us to talk about 1984’s video game-related film Cloak and Dagger! This one’s a bit different, as it’s not so much a video game adaptation as it is a tie-in for a failed Atari video game from the’80s, but we still think it counts. Young Davey (ET’s Henry Thomas) immerses himself in the imaginary world of Cloak and Dagger, only to find himself dealing with a real superspy threat with the help of imaginary hero/dad-figure Jack Flack (Dabney Coleman). Despite – or perhaps because of – its 80s charm, we found a lot to talk about, so check out our episode along with our custom cocktail and drinking rules!

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