This week, Patrick O'Rourke of Pat Trek joins us to kick off December with the Jean-Claude Van Damme action film Sudden Death! Basically "Die Hard in a hockey stadium," Sudden Death features a disgraced fire marshal (JCVD) who has to save the Vice President and his own daughter from the clutches of a madman (Powers Boothe) holding them hostage during a Hawks-Penguins game. Featuring kick-fights with henchmen in penguin suits and the most industrious MacGyvered weapons, Sudden Death is a total blast - especially with our custom cocktail and drinking rules!

Related Links:

Get tickets to VStheUNIVERSE's Holiday Geek Show (feat. Alcohollywood!)
Get tickets to Mercy Street Theatre Company's production of Merry Christmas, Mulch Pile (feat. Clint!)

(Thanks to our sponsor Iron Galaxy as part of the Chicago Podcast Coop!)