Previous Episode: She (1982)
Next Episode: Dante's Peak (1997)

This week on Alcohollywood, we're getting weird with it! 1977's House (Hausu) is a wacky, sprightly, insane Japanese horror-comedy that follows seven teenage girls (all named after their chief personality trait) who visit an aunt's house for the weekend, only to be greeted with carniverous pianos, watermelon-based horrors, deadly mattresses, and spooky cats, all filmed with a colorful, cartoony edge by experimental film director Nobuhiko Obayashi. The result is incredible in its wackiness and childlike glee, and truly has to be seen to be believed. We are joined this week by Three Brothers Theatre's Nick Ostrem, who helps us untangle this madness, along with our signature cocktail and drinking rules. Check it out!