This week on Alcohollywood, our Disney princess Cherish joins us as we hit you as hard as we can with our review and drinking game of 1999’s cult hit Fight Club! This adaptation of the Chuck Palahniuk novel of the same name follows an unnamed narrator (Edward Norton) who finds a release from his disaffected, postmodern life by falling in with radical soap salesman Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). Together, they create fight clubs and rebel against the establishment, all the time creating something even more dangerous. In the meantime, the narrator learns more about himself and his relationship with an aimless, misanthropic drifter (Helena Bonham Carter).

David Fincher’s gritty-yet-slick style, combined with great cinematography, deft scripting and a dynamic electronic score from the Dust Brothers help make this a greatly watchable dark comedy/thriller with a wonderful sense of pulp complexity. Meanwhile, we’ve got our signature cocktail and drinking rules – check ‘em out!