Previous Episode: Day of the Dolphin (1973)
Next Episode: Popeye: The Movie (1980)

Zdravstvuyte tovarisch! This week on Alcohollywood, we’re taking all you comrades for an Eastern bloc party with the 2010 Russian superhero flick Black Lightning! Produced by Timur Bekmambetov (of Night Watch and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter fame), this Russian love letter to blockbuster superhero movies sees Dima, a down on his luck college student, suddenly inherit a flying Volgo automobile modified by Cold War scientists using magic fuel. Slowly learning its powers, he uses it to become the superhero Black Lightning and save Moscow from the machinations of the evil diamond magnate Prof. Viktor Kuptsov.

A derivative yet strangely charming blend of every Western superhero film of the last decade, combined with Russia’s love of fur-lined clothing and dance clubs, make Black Lightning a film worth checking out. Don’t forget to listen to our episode and check out our custom cocktail and drinking rules either!