This week on Alcohollywood, our Disney princess Cherish joins us as we visit the Mary Poppins carbon-copy follow-up Bedknobs & Broomsticks! Apprentice witch Eglantine Price (Angela Lansbury) takes in three obnoxious Cockney children, only to promptly drag them along on her grand adventure to win the war for the British using the dark arts - which, apparently, just involves 'substitutiary locomotion' to get ordinary objects to float and perform pranks on people.

The film, despite its good intentions, interesting visual effects and charming performances from its leads, doesn't hold a candle to its predecessor Mary Poppins because of its meandering story, scenes and songs that drag on too long, and repetitive, derivative cartoon sequences that just rehash animation and backgrounds from Robin Hood and The Jungle Book. That being said, it's an interesting case study in Buena Vista/Disney's attempts to make lightning strike twice, and is helped immensely by our custom cocktail and rules!