The Alcohollywood podcast is back after a month hiatus! We're moving to new episodes every two weeks, but we'll still bring you all the goodies you've come to expect.

For this episode, we usher in 2018 with the found-footage horror flick Apollo 18, about a group of NASA astronauts at the height of the Cold War launching a clandestine moon mission to spy on the Russkies. What they find, however, is more than they expected... and, given the film's found-footage conceit, kinda hard to see. Join us (along with returning guest Nick Freed) as we plant our flag in this forgotten relic of the post-Paranormal Activity era, and see if it's got the right stuff. Check out our custom cocktail and drinking game below!

(Thanks to our sponsor Overcast as part of the Chicago Podcast Coop!)

Related links: 

The brilliant space-race documentary For All Mankind, in HD on Youtube in full!

The full speech Nixon would have given if the Apollo 11 mission failed, featured in the film