Welcome to Episode 20!! Thank you for being on the journey with me. When I started the Biz Vizion podcast, the goal was to record for three months and then launch my social media business course after that. Instead, I’ve had another shift in business and in life. As an entrepreneur for almost 15 years, one would think I would be used to these shifts. I still fall into “fear mode” when these shifts start, which is quickly followed by sleepless nights of excitement and visions of what’s to come next. My feet hit the floor and out comes the Vision Board, and the action steps begin for the next chapter!  Years ago, I asked the universe to guide me to a business that was forever stimulating, intriguing, helping others and pushing my brain skills. Be careful what you pray for — This business has forever changed me and my life for the better!

Confession: when I started podcasting, I had no plan! Can you believe it? From me: the Vision Board Guide. Podcasting was not even on my January Vision Board. Anyone that knows me, knows that I believe in the power and strength of Vision Boarding.  So, how did this happen?  

Well, it sort of was on my Vision Board…

I had a category about teaching business workshops online and in-person. I then taught a Vision Board workshop to a group of photographers and received the most wonderful feedback. My heart sings when facilitating this sort of workshop. I knew this was the pathway.  

This summer, I attended a yoga retreat at a magical, off-the-grid location in Alaska. I was hours into the retreat when I heard, very clearly, from somewhere deep within, “create a Vision Board Retreat HERE; you owe it to others.” I went home and amped up my meditation practice. I started practicing before random social media scrolling. When I woke up (and made coffee, of course!), I’d read something inspiring, (I have three books going now.) and then meditate for 6-10 minutes. Again, the voice would chime in, “Now is the time! Create the Vision Board classes, workshops, and retreat!”  So, here we go!

More is unfolding, and I will share the details and offerings as they come together in future podcast episodes, so stay tuned and remember to subscribe. 

I am a believer in the tactic that when you follow your heart and take actions to achieve a heart-centered life, doors guiding you in the right direction will open.

Enjoy Episode 20, and thank you for listening, sharing, commenting and subscribing. I appreciate each and every one of you.