The Recall Dunleavy campaign is suspended again and the rainforest town of Kake embraces solar energy.

Kake gets more sun than most other Southeast communities, putting it in a better position to take advantage of solar energy. (Courtesy Clay Good/Renewable Energy Alaska Project.)

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Wednesday on Alaska News Nightly:

The Recall Dunleavy campaign is suspended, again. Plus: the state prepares to close the Mulchatna caribou herd hunt for the rest of the season. And, the rainforest town of Kake is embracing solar energy.

Reports tonight from:

Liz Ruskin in Washington D.C.Andrew Kitchenman and Elizabeth Jenkins in JuneauZachariah Hughes in AnchorageRobyne in FairbanksAnna Rose MacArthur in BethelAri Snider in Sitka

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