Some people exposed to COVID-19 are refusing to quarantine or cooperate with contact tracers. And, many Alaskans continue to wait for extended unemployment payments approved two months ago. Plus, a fan of Anchorage takeout takes it upon himself to share the love.

Justin Williams photographs his food for his Instagram and Facebook accounts on Oct. 21, 2020 (Lex Treinen/Alaska Public Media)

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Thursday on Alaska News Nightly:

Some people exposed to COVID-19 are refusing to quarantine or cooperate with contact tracers. And, many Alaskans continue to wait for extended unemployment payments approved two months ago. Plus, a fan of Anchorage takeout takes it upon himself to share the love.

Reports tonight from:

Andrew Kitchenman in JuneauNat Herz, Abbey Collins and Lex Treinen in AnchorageWesley Early in KotzebueAnna Rose MacArthur in BethelSage Smiley in Wrangell

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