The opening of the first cold case office in Alaska focused on Missing and murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives. And, the Anchorage Assembly bans conversion therapy for minors. Plus, pushback from Alaska mail carriers on statements by the postmaster general.

Assistant Interior Secretary of Indian Affairs Tara Katuk Sweeney at the August 26, 2020, ceremony for the Operation Lady Justice Task Force Cold Case Office in Anchorage. (Jeff Chen/Alaska Public Media)

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Thursday on Alaska News Nightly:

The opening of the first cold case office in Alaska focused on Missing and murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives. And, the Anchorage Assembly bans conversion therapy for minors. Plus, pushback from Alaska mail carriers on statements by the postmaster general.

Reports tonight from:

Dan Bross in FairbanksTegan Hanlon, Lex Treinen, Liz Ruskin, Kavitha George and Nat Herz in AnchorageHope McKenney in Unalaska

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