Senator Murkowski votes "yes" to confirm the president's Supreme Court pick- Amy Coney Barrett. And, trump goes on the stump for Alaska's Republican congressional candidates. Plus, a decision by the state's high court on a legal dispute over Tlingit artifacts.

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Photo by Skip Gray/360 North)

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Monday on Alaska News Nightly:

Senator Murkowski votes “yes” to confirm the president’s Supreme Court pick – Amy Coney Barrett. And, Trump goes on the stump for Alaska’s Republican congressional candidates. Plus, a decision by the state’s high court on a legal dispute over Tlingit artifacts.

Reports tonight from:

Liz Ruskin, Tegan Hanlon, Nat Herz and Kavitha George in AnchorageAndrew Kitchenman in JuneauWesley Early in KotzebueEric Stone in KetchikanClaire Stremple in Haines

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