Alaska tribes go to court to exclude Alaska Native Corporations from CARES Act relief funds. And, a rare animal surprises Bristol Bay residents. Plus, an Anchorage woman commemorates 9/11.

Donna Baker (right) drops off one of her ‘baskets of love’ to firefighter Troy Anthis (left) who’s been enjoying Donna’s gifts for the past 15 years. Anthis says the fudge and banana bread treats are his favorite. (Mayowa Aina/Alaska Public Media)

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Friday on Alaska News Nightly:

Alaska tribes go to court to exclude Alaska Native Corporations from CARES Act relief funds. And, a rare animal surprises Bristol Bay residents. Plus, an Anchorage woman commemorates 9/11.

Reports tonight from:

Nat Herz in AnchorageLiz Ruskin in Washington D.C.Dan Bross in FairbanksPablo Peña in JuneauGreg Kim in BethelTyler Thompson in Dillingham

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