Ketchikan grapples with the highest rate of COVID-19 infection in the state. Plus: Small businesses in Alaska are re-tooling to manufacture supplies to help fight the outbreak. And, how to safely have fun outdoors during the pandemic.

TriJet Manufacturing in Palmer is printing swabs that medical workers can use to collect samples for coronavirus tests. (Hans Vogel/TriJet Manufacturing)

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Friday on Alaska News Nightly:

Ketchikan grapples with the highest rate of COVID-19 infection in the state. Plus: Small businesses in Alaska are re-tooling to manufacture supplies to help fight the outbreak. And, how to safely have fun outdoors during the pandemic.

Reports tonight from:

Eric Stone in KethchikanAndrew Kitchenman in JuneauTegan Hanlon, Liz Ruskin, Casey Grove, and Nat Herz AnchorageDavis Hovey in Nome

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