Previous Episode: Profanity
Next Episode: Overdone

•The American Council on Education reports that 33% of universities and colleges have female presidents.
• In the Ivy League it’s six of eight. Several for the first time ever.
• The three women in front of the congressional committee were clearly over their heads, ill prepared, stunned, and soon reversed some of their testimony.
• We’re focused on identity, not talent.
• Boards used to seek academic excellence and a track record of outstanding leadership.
• Now they want the first woman, or minority, or trans person, or whatever.
• When Biden promised a black, female Supreme Court nominee, he found Ketanji Brown, by all accounts an excellent jurist.
• But he had reduced her to the “best black female” available, instead of the “best candidate available.” That’s demeaning.
• The Boston Association of Female Marketing Executives. Why me? Best role model.
• Your freedom stops at my nose, I think John Jay.
• When you advocate the mass murders of 9 million people, already attempted to begin with beheadings, rape, murder, and kidnapping, that’s well beyond my nose and yours.
• And it won’t stop there. It didn’t with the Nazis, or the Russians, or the Chinese or the Khmer Rouge. It doesn’t stop with any corrupt “ism.”
• A letter writer on a university faculty claimed that students know which professors will involve them in political indoctrination before they register for the course. This is the worst kind of sophistry.
• Students pay absurd tuition to understand how to learn and evaluate differing points, not to hear absurdist, Marxist views from people protected from consequences by tenure, another ancient artifact.
• The question is who’s running the asylum?
• Oh, and by the way, after the University of Pennsylvania president was forced to resign after her failure in Congress, over 500 Harvard faculty members signed a petition supporting their president. What does that tell you?
• It tell me she doesn’t have the spine to interfere with their provocation and indoctrination.
• The “safe zones” on campus certainly aren’t intended for Jews these days, are they?