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9/9/10 2:21 AM By: Alex Z. Who would've thought that Google could make search even faster and easier? At a press event on 9/8/10, Google introduced new functionality to its search engine dubbed Google Instant. Google Instant 'instantly' provides a user with immediate search results. It even predicts what you...


9/9/10 2:21 AM

By: Alex Z. 

Who would've thought that Google could make search even faster and easier?

At a press event on 9/8/10, Google introduced new functionality to its search engine dubbed Google Instant.

Google Instant 'instantly' provides a user with immediate search results. It even predicts what you type before you finish typing.

Predicted results are displayed immediately below the search bar in a scrollable list and as complete results. This will come in handy if you don't exactly know what you are searching for.

For example, if you type [laser p], Google may suggest [pen or pointer] and display pen before you finish typing [laster pointer].