Welcome Aboard The Airways Podcast!

The 54th episode of the show kicks off with Enrique sharing some details of his super technological surgery with Rohan and Vinay, finding an aviation angle that made it quite a unique anesthetic experience.

The analysis segment of this episode covers the current state of the airline industry as it navigates through the COVID-19 crisis, with Vinay and Rohan weighing in with their well-informed data.

This episode's interview features Andy Luten, an accomplished public speaker and author of Andy's Travel Blog, which has been around since 2012 and has since piled up millions of page views, thousands of pictures, a ton of great comments from readers, and quite a few sarcastic remarks.

Through his blog, Andy talks about travel, photography, and travel, showcasing the amazing work that he has produced for almost a decade.

In this episode's interview, our hosts focus on Andy's most recent project: 'They Will Fly Again,' showing breathtaking photos of grounded airplanes throughout the US because of COVID-19.

Also, Andy shares the details of his most recent adventure: photographing the Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral as it departed to the International Space Station.

As the world continues to battle COVID-19, the Airways Team hopes you will enjoy this episode.