Sharing a bed can be a big step in a relationship. In popular culture, it often represents a new level of intimacy and romance. But in the real world, it can also mean a terrible night’s sleep. 

“Sharing the Covers: Every Couple's Guide to Better Sleep” by behavioral sleep specialist and clinical psychologist Wendy Troxel dives into the issues that might come up for couples sleeping together, from snoring to sleep disorders, and how partners can manage these issues - including how to ask for a “sleep divorce.” 

We sit down with Wendy Troxel to discuss her book. Plus, we’re taking your calls. If you have had issues sharing a bed with a partner, what happened and how did you manage? Is this currently a tension point in your relationship? 

Call us at 866-893-5722. 


Wendy Troxel, senior behavioral scientist at the RAND Corporation, a global policy think tank headquartered in Santa Monica; she is the author of the new book “Sharing the Covers: Every Couple’s Guide to Better Sleep”

Sharing a bed can be a big step in a relationship. In popular culture, it often represents a new level of intimacy and romance. But in the real world, it can also mean a terrible night’s sleep. 

Sharing the Covers: Every Couple's Guide to Better Sleep” by behavioral sleep specialist and clinical psychologist Wendy Troxel dives into the issues that might come up for couples sleeping together, from snoring to sleep disorders, and how partners can manage these issues - including how to ask for a “sleep divorce.” 

We sit down with Wendy Troxel to discuss her book. Plus, we’re taking your calls. If you have had issues sharing a bed with a partner, what happened and how did you manage? Is this currently a tension point in your relationship? 

Call us at 866-893-5722. 


Wendy Troxel, senior behavioral scientist at the RAND Corporation, a global policy think tank headquartered in Santa Monica; she is the author of the new book “Sharing the Covers: Every Couple’s Guide to Better Sleep