Hi guys sorry I wasn't posting! I was really busy with a lot of other stuff but here's some more content! Original song by: Cavetown.

I love this song so much and I really wanted to make a cover so here! Hope you enjoy


Discord: Aiko#2497

Side note:

I made this cover also because I can relate to this so much. There is so much drama and other things happening in my life right now and I feel as if nothing can help. But luckily I have my friends along side of me. (And no I don't have tons of friends. I have about 15 friends and I love them all <3)Β 

Here's what I have to say to people who are going through some tough times:

Although there are many things may be happening around you, your situation will always get better. Sure there may be ups and downs from time to time but that's just life. And you have to push through it and try and be successful! - Aiko Tasunami

Other that that I hope you enjoyed this! Be safe and Happy Holidays!