This is one of the things I enjoyed the least about aid work--- the number of ridiculous meetings we have to attend. Of course some meetings can be very productive, but let's face it, most of them are at least a partial waste of time.   Because I have heard this is a challenge for so many of you, I am doing a two part episode on meetings - so you can free up more time during your week to focus on other more important things. 

In this episode we focus on how to get the most out of the meetings you do have to attend, and I give you eight tips to do so.  In this episode you will learn:

How to decide which meetings are worth attending (there's a free checklist you can get to make it super easy!) Why it is important to decide what you want out of a meeting before you attend it How to not spend your entire day in a meeting you thought would be half day How to best use any delayed meeting time A great way to organize your week that will keep your meetings to only certain days The importance of guarding your time How to know when to delegate meeting attendance

For the free "Worthwhile Meeting Checklist" go to (unless you are subscribed to the weekly email at the time this episode is released, in which case it's in your inbox!)