Tune in to this AICPA Town Hall podcast for a discussion on the state of assurance and why quality auditing is essential to public confidence, as well as the need-to-know tax information. 

Topics include: 

DC environment and profession analysis 

The latest technical updates 

State of assurance and building trust through quality 

BOI reporting update 


Barry Melancon, President and CEO, AICPA 

Erik Asgeirsson, President and CEO, CPA.com 

Melanie Lauridsen, VP, Tax Policy and Advocacy, AICPA 

Wes Bricker, Global Assurance Leader, PwC US  

Tune in to this AICPA Town Hall podcast for a discussion on the state of assurance and why quality auditing is essential to public confidence, as well as the need-to-know tax information. 

Topics include: 

DC environment and profession analysis 

The latest technical updates 

State of assurance and building trust through quality 

BOI reporting update 


Barry Melancon, President and CEO, AICPA 

Erik Asgeirsson, President and CEO, CPA.com 

Melanie Lauridsen, VP, Tax Policy and Advocacy, AICPA 

Wes Bricker, Global Assurance Leader, PwC US