Tune in LIVE Friday, November 5th at 11AM pacific on https://aka.ms/LearnTV Tune in for a very special show featuring a recap of some of the most exciting announcements made at Ignite https://aka.ms/AIShow/Ignite. Ayşegül and Bea welcome Bozhong Lin to talk about Arc enabled ML; Hazem El-Hammamy to share the latest in Language services; and Chris Hoder to spotlight the latest in OpenAI! Jump to: [00:00] Intro to Arc-enabled ML for Inference on Azure with Bozhong Lin [01:42] Who uses Arc- enabled ML [02:43] Demo [17:03] Kubernetes online endpoints v. Azure managed online endpoints [19:27] Q&A [24:00] Welcome Hazem El-Hammamy [27:27] What's new with Language Service [28:10] What problems does Cognitive Service for Language address[29:09] Demo [43:15] Ignite announcements: [45:44] Q&A [50:39] Welcome Chris Hoder [53:09] New OpenAI Capabilities on Azure [54:00] What is OpenAI [56:52] Ignite announcement - OpenAI Service Preview [58:45] Demo [01:05:15] Using OpenAI responsibly [01:07:24] Q&A [01:13:15] Demo - GitHub copilot [01:25:19] Wrap up with Bea and Ayşegül Learn more: Ignite Data & AI https://aka.ms/IgniteDataAIArc ML Doc https://aka.ms/ArcMLDocsArc ML Blog https://aka.ms/ArcMLBlogAML Kubernetes on GitHub https://github.com/Azure/AML-KubernetesOpenAI Service Preview https://aka.ms/OpenAIServicePreviewOpen AI Service Blog https://aka.ms/OpenAIServiceBlog Zero to Hero Machine Learning on Azure https://aka.ms/ZeroToHeroMLZero to Hero Azure AI https://aka.ms/ZeroToHeroAzureAIMachine Learning for Data Scientists https://aka.ms/ZeroToHeroDataScientistPackt: Principles of Data Science https://aka.ms/PrinciplesOfDataScienceCreate a Free account (Azure) https://aka.ms/CognitiveServicesFree Follow Ayşegül https://twitter.com/AysSomethingFollow Bea https://twitter.com/beastollnitzBea's blog https://bea.stollnitz.com/blogFollow Chris: https://aka.ms/ChrisHoder/LinkedInDon't miss new episodes, subscribe to the AI Show https://aka.ms/AIShowsubscribeAI Show Playlist https://aka.ms/AIShowPlaylist Join us every other Friday, for an AI Show livestream on Learn TV and YouTube https://aka.ms/LearnTV - https://aka.ms/AIShowLive   


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