Today's guest is Tameem Hourani, Principal at RapDev in Boston. Founded in 2017, RapDev helps customers of all sizes transform into true DevOps organizations. They have taken several customers from deploying applications once a month to hundreds of times a day. Over the past few years, they have taken customers on journeys ranging from Tool integrations to Culture and Organizational changes.

RapDev is a team of experienced ServiceNow Wizards and passionate SRE's contributing to the open-source community, who have built multiple enterprise-scale CI/CD pipelines and integrations to help your organization build velocity in your release cycle. They specialize in helping organizations go through a full transformation of their Development and engineering teams, allowing them to integrate their operations with their development teams.

In the episode, Tameem will tell you about:

Highlights and learns of his career to date,

The work they do at RapDev,

Five core values they follow within their organization,

How they are making developers lives easier,

Advice on how to build a successful implementation &

Use cases of the benefits they bring to customers