Today's guest is Laurens Kruidenier, Chief Scientific Officer at Cellarity, a Flagship Pioneering company. Launched in 2019, Cellarity are fundamentally redesigning the way drugs are created. Unlike conventional drug discovery, which attempts to reduce disease to single causal targets, Cellarity’s approach leverages a deep understanding of disease biology. The company's approach is a more robust path for drug creation because they target the whole cell—the complex, networked living system that is the ultimate integrator of human biology.

The Cellarity platform provides critical insights into cellular dysfunction and reveals new biology that they can use to treat disease. This vantage point opens treatment avenues in countless diseases, including many that have been overlooked or have been too complex to resolve with traditional approaches. With programs in hematology, immuno-oncology and metabolism, Cellarity are pioneering a new generation of medicines.

In the episode, Laurens will talk about:

Interesting roles he’s held over the years,

The mission they are working on at Cellarity, 

How they use AI and computational methods in drug discovery, 

How the team is structured for success, 

What excites him for the near future, and

Why to consider a career with Cellarity