Today's guest is Shay Neufeld, Director of Data Products and Analytics at Inscopix, a Bruker company. Founded in 2011 and headquartered in Mountain View, California, Inscopix is empowering researchers in academia and industry with a pioneering neural circuit approach, to improve their understanding of the brain and accelerate therapeutic development for neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Their Miniscope platform is the integration and miniaturization of the benchtop fluorescence microscope into a 2-gram device that can be mounted onto the head of a freely behaving animal to observe its brain activity. With over 1000 installations worldwide, these miniscopes are empowering advances in neuroscience research and preclinical research for the development of transformational therapeutics.

In the episode, Shay will talk about:
The interesting work they do at Inscopix
An insight into the life of the data insights team
What excites him for the future within neuroscience
Their recent acquisition by Bruker and what it means for Inscopix
Career opportunities and growth plans