Today's guests are Nelli Garton, CEO and Kelly Abbott, CTO at Tablecloth in San Diego, CA. Founded in 2017, Tablecloth's Impact Analytics Platform is designed specifically for the Private Equity world. They help organizations measure ESG and Impact performance at scale, quickly and painlessly. Tablecloth helps you raise capital faster, keep ahead of your LP's ESG reporting expectations, assure impact happens in your portfolio companies and helps GPs become experts in ESG and impact.

In the episode, Nelli and Kelly will discuss:

The work Tablecloth do with private equity/VC companies,

The role of AI and Data in their platform,

Benefits that the platform brings to customers,

Team structure & working culture at Tablecloth,

Why Tablecloth is a great place to work,

What’s in store for the future at tablecloth and the wider VC industry, &

Plans for growth and career opportunities at Tablecloth