Today's guest is Jon Davis, Chief Meteorologist at Everstream Analytics. Everstream Analytics risk scores and predictive insights set the world’s supply chain standard, helping global companies turn supply chains into business-changing, market-shifting, competition-crushing assets. Removing the traditional blinders of one-dimensional data, they offer more complete information, sharper analysis and accurate predictions. Companies like Google, Schneider Electric & Unilever rely on Everstream to push their supply chains to be faster, smarter, leaner and more sustainable.

Jon leads Everstream's forecasting operations for energy, agriculture and supply chain logistics. He brings over 35 years of experience and is widely considered one of the foremost experts on the impact of weather and climate on global commodities. Jon previously spent 18 years on Wall Street in the commodity divisions within Citigroup focusing on risk management in agriculture, energy, and the financial sectors, while he also spent 10 years at Chesapeake Energy responsible for monitoring global weather/climate and its impact on energy and agriculture.

In the episode, Jon will discuss:

His background within meteorology and work at Everstream,

Use cases of their impact within supply chain logistics,

An insight into the data team and problems they solve for customers,

Their role in tackling extreme weather events,

Plans for growth and career opportunities with Everstream, and

What the future holds for Everstream and the industry