Today’s guest is Fabian J.G. Westerheide. Fabian is the Founding Managing Partner of Asgard, who are an Early Stage Venture Capital for European leading Artificial Intelligence companies. Fabian has advised governmental institutions including the European Commission, the German parliament, Fortune 500 companies and startups on AI strategy.

Fabian is also the CEO and Founder of the Rise of AI Conference, the European conference for 800 leaders in Artificial Intelligence. Fabian launched Rise of AI in 2014, with only ten participants to discuss the potential of an upcoming Singularity. His passion for AI has helped grow the conference to over 800 guests and 60 speakers in just five years.

In the show, Fabian will discuss:

His inspiring work within AI
Artificial Intelligence: Hype v Reality
How AI in Europe compares to the United States and China
How Germany and Europe can become the global AI Leader
The need for a European Open Data policy
Advice for entrepreneurs looking to move into the AI space