Today's guest is Budi Tanzi, VP of Product at Tapad in New York. Tapad is the award-winning marketing technology company reinventing personalization for the modern marketer through its identity-driven solutions. The company's signature Tapad Graph connects millions of consumers across billions of devices. The world's largest brands and most effective marketers entrust Tapad to provide an accurate, privacy-conscious and unified approach to connecting with consumers across screens.

Brands and marketers are faced with the challenge of needing to deliver personalized, relevant messages to vast audiences of consumers who all behave differently, use different devices and who increasingly expect personalized communications as standard. With privacy at the forefront, The Tapad Graph combines the company’s proprietary Device Graph with behavioral signals so marketers can finally see their customers as unique individuals and ultimately, deliver personalization at scale.

In the episode, Budi will tell you about:

The interesting work they do at Tapad,

What he loves most about his role,

Data challenges they are solving within advertising and marketing,

Using Machine Learning to improve the consumer experience,

How startups can use data insights to improve their customer experience &

Applying Machine Learning within Tapad’s products