Today's guest is Don Wright, Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer at Clarigent Health in Ohio. Founded in 2018, Clarigent Health's patented AI identifies vocal biomarkers that signal potential suicidal risk, supporting clinical decisions and workflow efficiency. Clairgent's software unites vocal biomarkers with self-assessment scales and clinical judgment to generate individual progress trends risk alerts and population insights to mental healthcare providers.

Prior to Clarigent, Don spent the previous decade growing Assurex Health from technology invented at Mayo Clinic and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center to a company of nearly 500 employees serving almost two million people with mental health conditions. Don is also President at The Suicide Prevention Initiative and Depression Research Foundation, which provides research funding and opportunities, educates, fights causes and changes minds about mental health and suicide prevention.

In the episode, Don will tell you about:

What motivated him to set up Clarigent Health,

The impact they make in the Healthcare sector,

Interesting projects the Data Science team are working on,

Building a successful Data Science team and

What’s in store for the future at Clarigent Health