Today's guest is Brandon Allgood, Senior Vice President of Data Science & AI at Valo Health in San Francisco. Founded in 2019, Valo are using cloud computing as well as longitudinal and human data to create an entirely new drug discovery and development process. With 15 years of experience in large scale cloud and distributed computing, AI and mathematical modeling, Brandon currently manages the development and application of Valo's AI platform and is responsible for Valo's overall technological vision.

Valo’s Opal Computational PlatformTM, a cloud generation, fully-integrated, componentized, end-to-end drug development platform, drug development is positioned to be transformed into a far more efficient process with life-changing treatments created in potentially half the time at far less cost and with far fewer failures. The Opal Platform makes it possible for scientists to review human data to discover previously unsuspected associations between genetic markers and disease and design and discover proprietary new molecules.

In the episode, Brandon will discuss:

Interesting roles he’s held throughout his career,

Challenges they are solving at Valo Health,

Their impact in drug discovery and clinical trials,

Future innovations in pharma that excite him,

Tackling bias and unfairness in AI, and 

How to build a successful data science team