Today's guest is Jack Hanlon, Global Head of Data at Reddit in New York. Jack has years of experience helping companies deliver on strategy, execution and product development by building and leading comprehensive, data-focused digital practices. Currently, he is building a world-class practice at Reddit where he is building out their Feeds and Search experiences, as well as Reddit's capabilities and practices in Machine Learning, Data Science, and Data Platforms across all of their teams and surfaces.

Founded in 2005 with headquarters in San Francisco, Reddit is an online community where users submit, vote and comment on content, news and discussions. They are a top ten traffic site in the world and are all about bringing community and belonging to the world with over 130,000 communities and over 430 million users each month across all desktop and mobile platforms. With that scale and 15 years of history, Reddit are also home to the richest conversational dataset in the world.

In the episode, Jack will share:

Coming into the Data world from a non-traditional background,

The interesting work they are doing at Reddit with Data & Machine Learning,

The working culture & what he enjoys most about his role,

Upcoming tools and trends that will shape their future,

Challenges they need to overcome,

What a successful tech team looks like,

& His favorite interview questions