Today's guest is Justin Shenk, Co-Founder and CTO at VisioLab in Berlin. Founded in 2019, VisioLab develops state of the art solutions and products for computer vision. An exexperienced science and technology leader delivering scalable AI solutions, Justin and his team are now developing a vision-based POS solution for caterers.

Justin has an interdisciplinary background as a neuroscience researcher and entrepreneur, and has been developing websites and software for scientific data since 2008. He has worked as a Machine Learning engineer for successful industrial projects since 2017 and is with comfortable with algorithm development, software architecture/implementation and project management.

In the show, Justin will tell you about:

Who are VisioLab and how it all came about,

Interesting case studies of Computer Vision,

Challenges they needed to overcome to achieve success,

The process of building their product,

New trends within NLP that excite him for the future,

& Advice to those looking for a career within AI and Deep Learning