Another Kind of Epidemic

How AHF is combating the opioid epidemic nationwide


Vahe Lepedjian is an Advanced Practice Pharmacist at AHF’s Hollywood flagship pharmacy.

Maxie Sabackic is the Western Regional Director of Pharmacy Operations, overseeing all pharmacy operations within the AHF pharmacies served out of California, Washington, and Nevada.


[2:09] - It Starts with a Text

A simple beginning to a transformative shift

One day, Vahe texted Maxie about wanting to do more to combat the opioid pandemic. This simple instance of acting on a positive impulse led to the involvement of sales, public health, advocacy, and managed care departments and AHF partners to offer fentanyl test strips to countless patients and community members. Lives were potentially saved at the very first event where the strips were given out, after two people back to report they had detected deadly fentanyl in a drug sample. A couple days later, 300 units were gone after a single day of San Diego Pride.

[7:54] - A Higher-Risk Patient Base

What AHF patients should know

AHF patients are at a higher risk of contracting HIV due to IV drug use, something that pharmacists and clinicians at AHF have to be mindful of when treating them. If fentanyl is injected, even if its been cut into other drugs, it can be fatal.

[12:04] - Spreading the Word, Spreading the Help

Getting knowledge and test strips nationwide

Maxie emphasizes the end goal of AHF’s efforts— fighting the opioid epidemic. They’ve obtained a grant with the Naloxone Distribution Project which provides free units of Narcan, allowing them to hand them out to the community for free. They hope to spread this service to as many states as possible to make the largest possible impact— all while educating pharmacists on their role.

[15:45] - If You’re Struggling with Addiction

The first step is the most important

If you’re struggling with opioid addiction, know that you can always find support. When you’re ready to make a change, AHF will be there to help you make it. AHF can provide Narcan and the training to know how to use it.


[1:41] About the Opioid Epidemic[18:49] Host an Event: [email protected][19:37]


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The AIDS Healthcare Foundation is the world’s largest HIV/AIDS service organization, operating in 45 countries globally. The mission? Providing cutting-edge medicine and advocacy for everyone, regardless of ability to pay.

The After Hours podcast is an official podcast of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, in which host Lauren Hogan is joined by experts in a range of fields to educate, inform, and inspire listeners on topics that go far beyond medical information to cover leadership, creativity, and success. 

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Lauren Hogan is the Associate Director of Communications for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, and has been working in a series of roles with the Foundation since 2016. She’s passionate about increasing the public visibility of AIDS, the Foundation's critical work, and how everyday people can help join the fight to make cutting-edge medicine, treatment, and support available for anyone who needs it.

Learn more about Lauren at: more about the AIDS Healthcare Foundation at:


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