On today's new episode, the show finally returns (and with a great guest)! After life forced a bit of a break from podcasting, we're back with an interview with Richard Newby of The Hollywood Reporter. The guys get into an awesome conversation about the end of the Skywalker saga, fan reactions, nostalgia & expectations, The Mandalorian, and so much more. You should definitely check out the piece that Richard wrote for THR here: 'Rise of Skywalker' and the Complicated Legacy of 'Star Wars'. It's an awesome read and it inspired the core thoughts behind this episode's conversation. Support great writers, creators, and Star Wars fans! Be sure to also keep up with Richard on Twitter: @RICHARDLNEWBY. Find this show @AhchToRadio on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! And find Alden @AD_Strider on Twitter and @a.d.strider on Instagram!

Ahch-To Radio is a Star Wars podcast fueled by the love of that galaxy far, far away. Creator/Host Alden Diaz dives into news, reviews, theories, fan works, interviews, and more! This is a show that celebrates the ties that bind the fans of Star Wars, and Alden's not afraid of turning off the targeting computer for some tangents and random analysis!

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