AI and machine learning are transforming our world, but here's the catch: they can either enhance our best qualities or magnify our worst biases. Getting AI right is both exciting and scary and the big question is, can businesses just race ahead without considering the consequences?

Hear how research and industry come together to discuss the natural tensions between rapid AI advancements and the need for AI to be ethical as we work towards a brighter future.


Professor Toby Walsh, UNSW Scientia Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Chief Scientist for the UNSW AI Institute Stela Solar, Director, National Artificial Intelligence Centre CSIRO's Data61

Find out more about Lamont Tang and Professor Toby Walsh’s work below:

Visit the Business AI Lab Visit UNSW Founders Visit the National AI Centre

Read: Can machines invent things? AI reveals the answer is 'yes' 
Read: Microsoft’s Lee Hickin on digital resilience beyond cybersecurity 
Read: How to avoid the ethical pitfalls of artificial intelligence and machine learning
Read: How leaders should weigh up the risks and rewards of AI
Read: AI in the workplace: what should CEOs really be thinking about? 
Read: AI: what are the present and future opportunities for business leaders

The transcript and show notes can be found on our website here

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